I'mmmm back! Yes, it's been a while. But I'm back in my lil office with my lil devil hounds sleepin soundly under the desk. They don't even know how good they've got it. Some dogs are sleepin outside in the dirt, for goodness sakes! But that is a story for another day.
I've decided that I should write on this here blogg thingy instead of shopping on E-Bay. Yes, I have a problem. The E-Bay has taken over my life. And I think I love it!! There is something so wonderful about the whole process! The searching, the watching, the bidding! And sometimes you have a stand off, like a shoot-out in the old west! The quickest hands win! The trick is not getting caught up in the moment. Like, how much are you REALLY willing to pay for someone's vintage, (also known as "used", but I prefer the latter), 1970's Frye Campus Riding boots?? In my case, that would be $56 plus $6.55 in shipping and handling. Whooohoooo!! And for the record, I fought tooth and nail for those puppies!! I even got my husband involved in this act of debotchery! He was watching over my shoulder saying, "Bid more! Times almost up! Yer gonna lose em! Just bid a hundred! You want them don't you?!" The pressure!! Sheesh! You get all sweaty-palmed, typing like a man possessed! ( I like to think of that man as Stephen King, but hey, that's just me.)
But I was victorious! I've actually been the weinner quite a few times now. In fact, my husband checks the account daily for my Pay-Pal transactions. He said that he's gonna have to disable our server, or some other technical verbage. Whatever! I didn't major in math! Besides, honey, I really NEEDED that vintage (used) apricot, dancing diva, 1970's, lace collared dress! And my life wouldn't be complete without that ruffled, cream colored, secretary button-up blouse, cira 1981! Come on people, it's called recycling! We've got to be more enviromentally concsious, and I'm gonna do my part!
I just spyed a darling, 1960's, pale green opra coat..............Just me, saving the world.