
A new world to rule........the world of Blogging!

Hi everyone! Soooooo, here I am, in the world of "The Bloggers"! Sounds like the makings of an excellent scary movie, if you ask me! "The Bloggers"! (if you peak through your fingers, it's not as scary!) Anyway, I'm giving this a try for a few reasons:

1. My lovely, beautiful, darling sister Katie, makes it look easy! And fun, no less.
2. I'm stuck in an offlice with two devil hounds, and my only visitors are dirty, smelly man-boys.
3. I'm wearing cute shoes, and want to tell someone! Go Shoes!! You Rock!!
4. I have something to say, and it may be helpful/funny/clever/ smart/ etc. Who knows? It could happen.

So, here I am. Oh, by the way, don't expect perfect spelling and punctuation. Katie is very buzy being a mom and doesn't have time for me to be calling her asking how to spell things. Sheesh! Also, I graduated from a very small school in a rural community.......Not that THAT has anything to do with my bad grammer and spelling, cuz it was a really great school, I just needed an excuse.

Wish me luck, Kids! It's a crazy world out there.........Hope you will stop by and visit me in mine!


Katie said...

Super cute new shoes!

Katie said...

This message is from Mom:

Well, well, well!!! The yearnings and dreams of the Pioneer Cute Shoe Girl are about to be made available to family and friends and hopefully no foes! About to become an active responder - !! Keep us smiling! I love you!!! and your shoes are really hot!

Katie said...

Oh yeah, and now that you have your own blogger account, you better start posting comments on my posts! That's what sister's do.

Anjie said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I have heard a lot about you from Katie, and I can't wait to get to know you better through your own words. Come visit me at