
Facebook Junky!

I am a Facebook junky. I may need an intervention. A twelve step program. Detox. I LOVE IT!!! Thank you dear sister, Abe, Dammit Janice!, Miss Carrie and all my other friends that have turned me on to such glorious wonders as "Food Fling" and "Mafia Wars", and "Scavenger Hunt". What would I do without you all day?



Anjie said...

Maybe you'd blog a little more often too! I'm expecting Thanksgiving Dinner pics to be on HERE not just on your sis's blog! Don't let me down!

Katie said...

Ah, Facebook. Or as Carrie calls it: Crackbook. My personal drug of choice.

Sun Tea for Sinners said...

Abe, I will promise some pics for you, and only you.