
Nuthin spooky today, kiddies. It'ull be ok.

This post is not about haunting's or scariness. Surprise!! This is just letting you know about my fav-o-rite music to listen to while I'm at work. And it's free!! I love that!

You can find the link between Pennywise the Clown and Friday the 13th's, Jason. Totally appropriate placement. It's the oooy gooy middle of a horror love sandwich.

I always go for the 80's, but they have different options for you to chose from.

But why would you wanna do that?

Class of '86 rules!!


1 comment:

Katie said...

Cool. I'm listening to Duran Duran's "The Reflex" right now! I love them. Damn that Garrett for being due when they were in town!!