
Dang Summer!

Do you remember when summers were for relaxing? No pressure, just hanging out with your friends by the pool, meeting cute boys from other towns, walking to the local drive in to get cherry-vanilla cokes, dragging main, working on your tan down at the lake. Ahh......the good ole days. Now summers are as action packed as an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie! I can't believe how much of the summer is gone already and I haven't even gone to the lake, not once! And, I don't even know what I've been doing. It's just that time has slipped away. And then I'll be 60, and I'll wonder why I drink so much and where did all the cats come from.

I've been sticking to my diet.....mostly. My weight as of Monday, 122.6. I did get down to 122.4, but nothin to write home about. I'm sorry I haven't been as diligent at my blog as I should have been. I'm intending to be better. Really. I swear, I looked up and it was Thursday.

My mother in law is coming to stay with us for a month. Does that help explain? I sure hope so. I'm sitting on the floor writing and waiting for the carpet cleaners to show up. Four dogs in the house sure takes it's toll on the rugs. I've been cleaning like crazy! Not that my mother in law would even care, she's awesome! But, I wouldn't want her to think that her oldest child would marry a slob. I want her to think, "Wow! My son married an amazing house-keeper and I'm so lucky to have her as my daughter-in-law!" You know, just a lil supthin like that. Basically, I don't have any skills so I'm gonna have to impress her with cleanliness.

I've also been catching up on my Netflix. I've had 3 movies for like 2 months that I have needed to watch. I highly recommend "Lars and the Real Girl". It was darling!! Love that Ryan Gosling! He can do no wrong.

Carpet guys are here now. Gotta go. TTFN!! Really! Did you notice how I got stuck on italic? Fixed it all by myself.


Katie said...

I know how it is with time slipping away from you.

Have fun with Mother HP. And get to the lake. NOW!

Anjie said...

Good job with the weight! Enjoy the time with the MIL...hope you like having her around...I would DIE if mine came to stay with us for more than a few hours!

Katie said...

Abe, you make me laugh.

Janice said...

I'm with Katie...go to the lake. Now you can take your MIL. Who cares to clean anyway? The loving nature of someone who would take 4 dogs and a man should be good enough. I think you are a saint...and a hilarious one!