
Bonding with the Angry Youth

Hello Peanuts! Yes, I know it's been quite some time. I did take my picture as promised. Good news! I swear, if I try, I gain. If I don't I lose. Go figure. I'm thinking now that I'm old, it's gonna take more than diet. I'm thinking about buying Barry's Boot Camp. I saw it on a infomercial. The exercises only last in 60 second intervals, and since that is about all he patience I have for any one exercise, it could work. Discuss and get back with me.
The reason I've taken so long to get back with ya'll, is because..............well, I just didn't feel like it. Not cuz I don't care, I just found other things to occupy my time. I spent last weekend with my crazy, delightful family! Even got my man-babies together for a picture with myself and Mr. Horsepower. It may be our future Christmas card, so watch for it this winter. Then, my youngest man-baby came down for a visit, I don't get to see him much since he is an "angry youth", so I spend as much time with him as he will give me! We've been watching the new "Day of the Dead" movies and episodes of "Firefly"! There is nothing so wonderful as bonding with your child over flesh eating zombies and the Sci-fi channel! It's like magic!
So sorry Peanuts, but babies don't keep! I once read this poem about a woman that needed to clean her house, but she didn't cuz she was holding her baby. I just remember the last line, "dust settle down and cobwebs go to sleep, I'm holding my baby and babies don't keep." I cry every time I think of it, because it is so true! Then I think of Abe Hunin and screamin hooligans at the store, and I am glad that I have any Angry Youth that loves cheesy horror movies.

Do you think he'd be willing to sit in my lap and watch them?


Anjie said...

LOL! I'm glad my sorrows can put your "Angry Youth" problem in perspecitve. Anything to help out!

I guess you can ask if he'd sit in your lap....but I'm thinking that will most likely be a huge NO!!!

Katie said...

I'm just glad he came to visit his mom. And I know he'd say "no" to sitting in your lap, but I'm pretty sure your oldest would oblige.

Oh, and good job on the weightloss!