
Random Thoughts and Other Weird Stuff In My Head.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Having company means that you eat, and eating means that you gain weight, which is exactily what I did. I have however, started "Barry's Boot Camp". I just finished and I'm sweatin like a sinner in church! This better work. I hate sweat.

Do you ever just have weird thoughts in your head? The kinda thoughts where you are looking off into the distance with vacant eyes, staring, until someone says something to you and you snap out of the long winding space cruise you were just on. Ya know know the kind where you are almost drooling. Well, I'm not talking about those, just random thoughts. Not like math or anything.

Here are some of mine.

Is it just me, or are those guys from "Deadliest Catch" kinda cute?

What purpose do cockroaches serve? I mean why are they in the eco system plan? Do they really have purpose, other than being discusting?

Why does the hair on your under arms and legs grow a quarter of an inch over night, and the hair on your head takes months to grow the same amount?

Is it to watch "Bridget Jones' Diary" every day? And who is the better kisser, Hugh Grant or Colin Firth? That lucky Renee!

Does it hurt for a chicken to lay an egg? Cuz it sure looks like it does! Are we mean for making the chickens produce so many if it does?

Why are babies so cute that you would want to take a bite out of them? Really! I just want to eat them up!

If I had to choose one channel to watch for the rest of my life, which one would I pick?

Do other love to play "Desert Island" as much as I do?

Why do I love horror movies so dang much?

What is my fasination with serial killers? And everything Egyptian.

I need more Botox. Can you get addicted to Botox? Do I care?

I hope others of you have some unusual thinkings in your noggins. I'd hate for you all to read this and think I'm some kinda whack job. I often wonder what Stephen King thinks of as he's drifting off to sleep. It could be something totally normal like, "Deep dish really is better than thin crust!" I hope it's something dark and crazy. I may never know. I think I'll think on that for awhile.


Anjie said...

I have random thoughts going through my head periodically too. I also think that the guys from "Deadliest Catch" are kinda cute. (OMG is Phil gonna die??)
I may have to steal your idea for a post and share my weird thoughts with everyone.

Katie said...

Who doesn't have weird thoughts? It's only the crazies that voice them. (Yeah, that would be US.)

The guys from Deadliest Catch are kinda cute - in that rugged, dirty, "I have a job that could kill me" sort of way. Me loves the Sig. (And, Abe, Phil doesn't die.)

I think cockroaches are the devils eyes and ears on this earth.

God, I have NO IDEA why I have to shave my legs and underarms every day, but I do. It's a crock!

I don't like Bridget Jones' Diary, so I wouldn't watch it every day, so I don't know if it's bad or not.

I doubt it hurts to lay an egg. I mean, wouldn't they be wimpering or something (not that I'd know)?

And I totally want to take a bite out of cute babies. Especially their fat, cubby arms and legs.

The "one channel" question is just too hard. Thank God for satellite with hundreds of them. Whew!

I think you like horror and serial killers, and Egypt for that matter, because it's fun to be scared knowing that you're actually perfectly safe. It's like a rollercoaster.

I'm sure you can get addicted to Botox. I say go get some more if you need it!

And, finally, I do think Stephen King things utterly mundane things as he goes to bed, because he's already written the scariest things from his sick little head. (And Deep Dish is better than thin!)