
I'm a Halloweenie!

I love Halloween!! It's my fav-o-rite holiday! Must have sumpthing to do with my love of cheezy horror movies and fascination with serial killers and my general dark side. Not sure where I get it, but I know my youngest man-baby, The Angry Youth, has it too! I'm pretty sure he gets it from his mama.

I've pimped-out this blog-ger-ific site to all things Halloweenie!! I do want to mention that I got alot of my pimp stuff at satanspace.com, not because I worship the evil one(I'm dark, but not that dark!), but they have some really cool stuff! If you are into that kinda stuff.

Don't get the wrong idea about me, I'm very normal. I like pink and lacey, frilly things. My house isn't a Gothic tribute to Dracula. I love "happy endings", Barbie's (the doll and Katie's neighbor!), puppies, babies, and cotton candy! See.....normal.

If wishing you could dress up for Halloween as a tranny, dressed up as a cross between Dolly Parton and Pam Anderson and call yourself Dollisha Panderson is normal......then that's me! Totally normal.

Don't be skerd.

Myspace Banner Generator @ JellyMuffin.com


Katie said...

You're site is looking freakin' awesome. I love Halloween, too! Love all the widgets, the music, every thing. Great job, big sis!

Anjie said...

I like the Halloween transformation! I like Halloween, but the last few years I just can't get into it as much. I dunno what is wrong with me!

Janice said...

Halloween is my favorite too. I'm not as spooky as you seem to be, but....I'm waiting for new Hallotrash to show up from Oriental Trading as sit and watch Dancing With the Stars. Ooooh....yeay!!! And for someone who claims to struggle so with techno, you seem to be holding your own. Great Job!

Katie said...

Yes, Kim didn't have to call me to ask how to put all the pictures on the blog. She did it herself!!!

Sun Tea for Sinners said...

Yep, I guess I did do it. What can I say......Halloween moves me. Or should I say posseses me....? Tee Heee!